Late last month, the boys of VIXX (Ravi, Leo, Ken, Hyuk, Hongbin and N) returned to the sunny shores of Singapore for a second time. There was no doubt that everyone had a lot of fun throughout the entire concert, with the lively boys interacting energetically with fans in the audience as well as showcasing their amazing voices and dance moves!
99.9% In Sync
VIXX appeared on the stage all dressed in black, their suits perfectly fitting their sleek and slim forms. The first song they performed was “Chained Up”, in which they were accompanied by raucous cheers from fans. It was the perfect song to open the show with – its build-up to the chorus getting everyone in the hall more excited and hyped for what was to come afterwards. The boys of VIXX have always been known for their suave and seemingly effortless dance moves. Nothing compares to seeing these boys execute their choreography in the flesh!
The next songs they performed were “Voodoo Doll” and “Beautiful Killer”. Although first few songs performed were dark and dramatic, these handsome lads toned it down a notch and showed their versatility by following up with songs like “Say You Say Me” and also “Stop It Girl”.
There was a break in proceedings where the large LED screen was turned on to display candid photographs the boys had taken during the past few months or so. It was a surprisingly heartwarming and intimate moment as VIXX shared snippets of their lives with the fans that night. Ken admitted to taking over two hundred photos during the entire flight to Singapore, due to the so-called “natural lighting”. Fans laughed, finding the confession pretty silly yet adorable. It was such a shame that he only displayed two out of the two hundred photos he had supposedly taken though, showing off his charming wink.
Another memorable picture which was shown belonged to Hyuk. In the photo, he was wearing a sweater which boldly says “Per Ardua Ad Astra” on the left side of his chest. It roughly means “through struggle to the stars”, though in this context, Hyuk rephrased it as “going through difficulties to get to Starlights”. It was a lovely sentiment which was very much appreciated by their beloved fans in the audience.
A little bit of Q&A
During on of the game segments, members of VIXX were asked to choose a few post-it notes stuck on a board, which contained questions and requests sent in by fans before the concert started. Leo was asked to pick a post-it note and sneakily chose the one in which a fan requested for N to dance sexily in front of everyone. Everyone whooped and encouraged the leader, who confidently moved his hips to the beat of the background music provided. He even turned to shake his derriere, which embarrassed the other members. After his little performance ended, N jokingly shoved Hongbin for laughing at him. These boys!
Additionally, N mentioned that he would like to go to Orchard Road again, while Hongbin said that he would like to visit Universal Studios Singapore. We hope that they get to enjoy themselves at these places the next time they come to Singapore!
Ken then professed his love for Starlights, when asked what he likes the most about Singapore. His response pleased the fans to no end! Fans also managed to catch Ken and Hyuk’s famous impersonations that night. While Ken managed to flawlessly imitate Captain Yoo Sijin from the drama ‘Descendants of the Sun’, Hyuk struggled while trying to imitate a duck. In the end, he turned it into an impersonation of Pokemon’s Psyduck, making everyone in the audience laugh heartily at his goofy act.
The boys performed a few more songs shortly after, among which were “Farewell Hands”, “Error” and “On and On”. Between songs, Leo admitted that he wanted to fly back to Korea, and then come back to Singapore once again. Well, he will surely be welcomed with open arms too in the future!
The show ended with the six boys performing “Love Equation”! Members of the crowd rushed towards the front for the encore, while some stood up on their seats for a better glimpse of the band. The fast-paced and upbeat song lifted everyone’s spirits and served as the perfect song to end the night with.
We would like to thank VIXX for all their hard work, and also Three Angles Pro for providing us with the opportunity to cover this event! Congratulations for holding yet another successful event