Just last weekend, WIN:Ds were in for a night full of sweet (Oh, so sweet) memories and laughter when Kim Jae Hwan held his first-ever solo fan-meeting, [MIN:D] in Singapore. Held at The Star Vista, fans were in for a treat as the 2-hour long fan-meeting allowed fans to not only enjoy Jae Hwan’s performances, but also get to know the singer up close and personally.
Read on to reminisce some highlights of the night!
Yes, I’m Kim Jae Hwan Who’s Main At Everything
Remember the episode of Weekly Idol where Kim Jae Hwan introduced himself as the all-main in WANNA ONE? Main Vocal, Main Visual, Main Rapper, Main Dancer, Main Fashionista. Well, looks like the singer was able to predict his future very well as he successfully carried out all these roles by himself! Kim Jae Hwan opened the stage with ‘Designer’, his upbeat track from his debut album, ‘Another’ and got the crowd pumping with his flashy dance moves. After his exhilarating performance, the singer sat down to share with the fans more about his life before he returned to the stage and serenaded the fans with ‘Love You Still’, where his sweet vocals rang throughout the theatre. Kim Jae Hwan also brought along his guitar and performed a live cover of Bob Dylan’s ‘Knocking on Heaven’s Door’. WIN:Ds were definitely brought to heaven with Jae Hwan’s vocals before landing amongst the stars when he performed, ‘My Star’. The singer also covered Lena Park’s ‘Sorry’ and Demi Lovato’s ‘Sorry Not Sorry’. He ended his set with ‘Begin Again’, the title track of his album, singing with the most heartfelt emotions as he bid goodbye (안녕하세요) to WIN:Ds. As fans chanted for an encore, Kim Jae Hwan performed Trey Songz’s ‘Neighbours Know My Name’, bedazzling fans with his moves and ending the fan-meeting on a high note.

National Advertisers, please pick me!
Instead of asking National Producers to vote for him, Kim Jae Hwan appealed to National Advertisers with his charms by filming ‘audition’ pieces for CFs! Since Jaehwan likes food, he challenged himself by showing how an advertisement should look like and hopefully, bring about some love-calls from advertisers! Starting off with a nostalgic childhood snack, Khong Guan Gem Biscuits, Jae Hwan included the iconic K-drama line, “Smell~” and used English, “Ooo! Khong Guan is Yellow” and ”Wow, sweet!”. His earnest attitude to appeal to advertisers caused fans to break out in laughter with his actions. With the birth of the favourite phrase for the night, “Sweet, oh so sweet”, the singer attempted to film for kaya toast instead. Being the adorable and spontaneous Jae Hwan, he started ad-libing to the background music while shooting the advert. He even mimicked the sound of a toaster and ended the advert by saying “Wow, very sweet, so sweet!”, before drawing to a conclusion he will not be able to film an advertisement in Singapore because it looked too weak. Giving up on appealing to food advertisers, he tried to film one for skincare but was deflated at the end and said, “Okay, I’m really not suitable for commercials”. However, we don’t think WIN:Ds think that way! We think he will do really well though, don’t you agree?

Funny and Witty but most importantly, Genuine
Aside from the main roles that Jae Hwan mentioned previously in Weekly Idol, we think that he can be the main gag-man too! Throughout the night, Kim Jae Hwan caused an eruption of laughter every other minute with his witty replies. Some moments were when the emcee introduced him to an iconic landmark in Singapore, Marina Bay Sands (MBS). Jae Hwan was confused as to what MBS was and replied, “I don’t know MBS, I only know MBC (Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation, a South Korean television and radio network)”. It was only after the emcee explained to him it was the hotel with a swimming pool at the top, did Jae Hwan understand what was going on and demonstrated his swimming moves. He also replied a fan, “Who are you” when she suggested to go to her house, causing everyone to break out in laughter. During the fan-meeting, confetti suddenly popped out and he managed to turn the awkward situation around by saying “Congratulations! It is his/her birthday! I actually prepared it!” The playful singer also laughed and played around when he realized his guitar was reflecting the stage lights and was blinding some of the fans. To which, he apologized and promised to bring another guitar in the future!
Despite being his first time in Singapore as a soloist, we could tell that Kim Jae Hwan was earnest in wanting to communicate with his fans by replying in English as much as he could. We could tell that he was very grateful for WIN:Ds and it was conveyed through his performances. The VCR made by Singaporean WIND:s was also very touching, where the fans relayed their heartfelt wish to the singer in Korean! Just as Jae Hwan wishes to return to Singapore for a concert, we hope that WIN:Ds will be able to wait for it! After all just like what Jae Hwan mentioned, “Even though the journey is still long, but as long as we are together, we will shine together!”
We hope to see you back on our shores, Jaehwannie! Thank you UNUSUAL Entertainment for the media invitation!
Written By: Phebs
Photos by: UNUSUAL Entertainment
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