When Wanna One debuted in August, they debuted with a bang, snatching up music show awards left and right with their debut title song “Energetic”. Their popularity certainly shows no sign of fading away anytime soon, as seen from the amazing reception not only in Korea but internationally as well! Wanna One consists of 11 members; Kim Jae Hwan, Kang Daniel, Yoon Ji Sung, Ha Sung Woon, Hwang Min Hyun, Lai Kuan Lin, Ong Seong Woo, Park Ji Hoon, Lee Dae Hwi, Bae Jin Young and Park Woo Jin and the boys are certainly here to stay.
Welcome Meeting with Fans
At noon last Friday, Wanna One stepped into the ballroom to the cheers of fans and the fierce clicks of camera shutters. After a brief self-introduction, the boys started to talk about what they’ve been up to in Singapore. As per usual, they were singing praises of the one and only chilli crab, to which the emcee suggested that they try chicken rice next! Wannables vigorously nodded their heads at the emcee’s suggestion.
Next, the boys shared with everyone what they usually do during their free time. Woo Jin said that they mostly either sleep or eat whenever they have some time for leisure activities. He personally enjoys watching dramas! Dae Hwi shared that he, Jae Hwan and Daniel are currently making music, which sparked interest from the crowd. Another interesting fact shared is that the Wanna One members each gets their own hotel rooms when they promote overseas. Fans were certainly glad to hear that the boys are kept extra comfortable throughout their overseas promotions.
When the members had to choose the worst dressed member in the group, Jin Young was chosen. Dae Hwi and Daniel commiserated over Jin Young’s bucket hat, comically giving each other a high-five when they realised that they share the same woes. Kuan Lin further explained that the hat looks nicer on him than on Jin Young, since Jin Young has a small face and the hat almost swallows his entire head!
Soon, it was time for the members to go off and start rehearsing for the upcoming fan-meeting in the evening. Wanna One members stood tall and elegant as they bid everyone goodbye, before they exited the venue.
Fans get “Energetic” from the moment the first song starts
The moment Wanna One stepped on stage, the crowd went wild. People were stomping their feet and screaming their lungs out even before the boys performed! They opened the show with “Never” and their debut title song “Energetic”, which sent Wannables into a state of amazement. At that moment, there was nothing more wonderful than seeing the eleven members of Wanna One live in the flesh.
The first talk segment involved trying to find out if the titles given to each member by fans were true or false. Ji Hoon had to imitate a rabbit while Seong Woo proved himself as a dynamic human musical instrument! It was chaotically fun and fans enjoyed every moment of it.
After Wanna One performed “Nayana”, there was another segment in which the boys had to pretend that they were having lessons in school. During ‘Art’ class, they were asked to draw their interpretation of the person sitting to their right. The most hilarious drawings were by Daniel and Jin Young where Daniel drew Woo Jin as a bird which fell asleep in front of his laptop while watching dramas and Jin Young drew a picture of Ji Hoon with dark circles, an opened mouth and a double chin. Surely Ji Hoon doesn’t look that disheveled when he sleeps, no? Guess we’ll never truly know!
Happy Birthday Lai Kuan Lin!
To the members’ surprise, two cakes were brought out from backstage after they finished performing “Burn It Up”. Kuan Lin could only look on in shock as the cakes were placed in front of him. Apparently, Wannables who attended Wanna One 1st Fan Meeting in Singapore : Wanna Be Loved had combined their efforts in order to have Kuan Lin celebrate his birthday a few hours in advance with everyone at the venue. Kuan Lin looked really touched and grateful as the crowd began to sing a birthday song to him. Not only that, but they even sang the song two more times, in English and in Mandarin!
Prior to the event, Kuan Lin had said that meeting fans in Singapore was his best birthday present, even though it wasn’t officially his birthday yet. During the birthday event, Wannables held their birthday project banners up eagerly as the cute and flustered Kuan Lin thanked fans sincerely for the surprise. Singapore Wannables definitely made sure that it was a fan meeting Kuan Lin and the rest of the Wanna One members will always have embedded in their minds for a long time!
It was certainly a fun-filled event, and an enjoyable one at that! We look forward to greater things from the boys of Wanna One and hope to see all of you again in Singapore! Thank you to IME Productions for allowing us media accreditation for this event!
Photo credits: Sherlyn, IME Group Pte Ltd & YMC Entertainment
Written by: Aqilah
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