Self-producing idols SEVENTEEN made their long-awaited return after a year since their 1st world tour stop in ‘Diamond Edge in Singapore’. Performing at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, a larger scale compared to their first concert at Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre Hall, Singapore CARATs were spoilt for the night with performances ranging from SEVENTEEN’s b-tracks as well as title and unit songs.
The 3-hour long concert began with a series of opening songs followed by a VCR which left CARATs at the edge of their seats just 15 minutes into the show. From ‘Flower’ to ‘NO F.U.N’ to ‘Chuck’, SEVENTEEN showcased amazing synchrony for their choreography, with every inch of movement being exactly the same as the member before. We are sure lots of practice, hard work and good team work are the inputs of the amazing stages they are able to put up today! Member Dino even revealed that he was the choreographer behind ‘Flower’ and expressed his gratitude and thought that it was an honour to have been able to choreograph for their world tour. The maknae is indeed growing up very well!
Performances aside, SEVENTEEN continuously engaged with Singapore CARATs to update them about what they have been up to as well as preparations for the concert. Hoshi explained the meaning behind the hand action for ‘IDEAL CUT’, which was to make a V with their fingers and collapsing it to make it to a finger heart! The8 clarified that the thumb represented SEVENTEEN while the index finger were CARATs, symbolising that they will be together forever.
As the night grew, SEVENTEEN also performed in their respective units – Leaders unit brought on ‘Change Up’, while Hip-Hop unit performed ‘Un Haeng Il Chi’ and ‘Sukyeo’ with much swag and the hip-hop kings they are. Vocal unit showcased their powerful vocals through ‘Habit’ and ‘Pinwheel’, and last but not least, Performance unit excitedly sang and danced to ‘Swimming Fool’ and ‘Jam Jam’. These unit performances were a testament to how the various strengths of each member complemented each other well to make SEVENTEEN shine every time they were on stage.
Not forgetting their title songs that made SEVENTEEN gained public recognition from all over the world, the 13 boys ended with a blast with ‘Pretty U’, ‘Shining Diamonds’, ‘Adore U’, and the latest ‘Oh My’! Before proceeding to their final ment, DK, Mingyu, Jeonghan, Dino, Woozi and Seungkwan took the stage with some of their special talents, like doing aegyo while doing a sexy walk! SEVENTEEN were abashed with what Seungkwan delivered and ran backstage as a prank, but Seungkwan was able to keep his calm and even joked that it was his solo concert instead. It was a joy to be able to see SEVENTEEN being themselves and having fun on stage, which is something that all CARATs hope for.
As all good things come to an end, all of the members shared the same sentiments that they were able to return to Singapore so quickly because of Singapore CARATs love and support for them despite being miles apart. The English and Chinese speaking members expressed their thanks in their respective languages, and SEVENTEEN promised to return to Singapore again quickly. As it was getting late, Jeonghan made a plea for CARATs to get home safe, and to grab a warm meal too.
The concert ended off with a high as SEVENTEEN brought on their final song – ‘Very Nice’! We wish SEVENTEEN all the best for their remaining world tour stops, and would like to extend our thanks to Fast Track Events for the media invite to the concert!
Photo Credit: Fast Track Events
Written by: Amber