Showers of confetti, an ocean of blinking white lights, and a crowd of hyped My Days met DAY6 at the Smart Araneta Coliseum last Saturday, November 23, 2019, for their Gravity World Tour concert in Manila. Filipino My Days made sure to fulfill what Jae said at the beginning of the night: “This night could become beautiful if you want it to be. But the most important thing tonight is that you enjoy yourself.”
‘Best Part’ lead DAY6’s setlist for the Manila stop. The ‘superband’ was all-smiles as people all over the venue jammed and sang along with them to ‘Sing Me’ and ‘바래 Wish’. Without further ado, the night rolled on with DAY6 playing their hearts out to their hit tracks that fans have grown to love over the years including ‘어쩌다 보니 Somehow’, ‘So Cool’, and ‘Out of My Mind’.

During a short break, members Jae, Sungjin, Young K, Wonpil, and Dowoon each expressed that they were thrilled to be back in Manila. They first visited the Philippines last year for their first world tour titled ‘Youth’. The band sure conveyed their feeling when they played ‘Feeling Good’.
DAY6’s fandom is known for being one of the calmest and loving fans in the K-Pop music scene. So as a treat to My Days in the venue, DAY6 performed almost all of the songs in their ‘The Book of Us: Gravity’ album starting with the title track ‘Time of Our Life’. A fan-favorite would be Dowoon having a solo stage singing is part in ‘Wanna Go Back’, which of course was met with loud cheers and applause from fans who treat the band’s maknae as their own baby. Aww!

Speaking of solo stages, each of the members also had their share of time in the limelight showing off their individual skills with their assigned musical instrument. The most memorable stage would that of Young K’s as his bass riffs were joined by Dowoon’s drum beats, creating a spontaneous melody that proves why they are one of the most talented acts in the current generation of K-Pop groups.
My Days also took the spotlight of the night when they sang ‘I’m Serious’ all on their own in a segment known as the “My Days Choir”. The show commenced with more surprise performances from DAY6, including Wonpil’s ingenious mashup of their hit tracks ‘Like That Sun’, ‘Days Gone By’, and ‘Blood’ with Ed Sheeran’s ‘Shape Of You’, ‘Treasure’ by Bruno Mars, and Daft Punk’s ‘Get Lucky’.
Of course, it’s not a DAY6 concert without the band’s duet with the fans. My Days sang their hearts out to the first half of ‘Congratulations’ while DAY6 stood to play and join their fans later in the song. The band also performed their “classic” tracks like ‘Colors’, ‘Warning’, and ‘Shoot Me’. Music and emotions filled the coliseum as the band and the crowd both jammed to ‘I Need Somebody’, ‘I Wait’, and ‘You Were Beautiful’.

And the night plunged into an all-time sentimental one when PH My Days’ video fan project showed on the big screen. The video showed Filipino My Days’ everyday struggle but still finding the “beautiful” reason to continue and never give up, and that is finding comfort with DAY6 and their music. With ‘When You Love Someone’ playing in the background, tears were shed in the venue, both from the fans and the band members themselves.
During their last talk segment, the band members each expressed how they felt that night:
Dowoon: “The video is really touching. Just watching your (fan project) video just gave me new strength. You are all important people, one by one. We love you guys.”
Sungjin: “I want to tell you guys that you are awesome and that I trust you. We will work hard and then come back so ‘grown up’.”
Wonpil: “Watching the video, I realized how busy you guys are and how many hard things you go through. I am so happy, even if it’s a small thing, that we are the reason for your living. We are also humans; we also go through difficult things. As we are your reason, you guys are also our reason. Thank you guys so much. I don’t think I’ll be able to forget Manila. You guys are crazy! We promise we will be back. Thank you for reminding us why we do this music and why we perform.”
Young K: “Watching the video, you guys made me confirm why we sing. During and before the production of this album, after a certain point, it was really hard to find the reason why we sing on the stage. We were all doing the same things over and over again. I wasn’t doing it for my parents or for the company… it wasn’t a competition anymore. I was looking for the reason why and you guys gave us the answer. You said we are your reason, but you are our motivation, inspiration… you are our reason to be on this stage.”
Jae: “We do get stuck sometimes and we [ask ourselves] why we do certain things. Life gets so hard sometimes. I’m really appreciative of the fact that we have you guys and you have us, that we could be each other’s reason to continue. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being my reason to continue to do my best.”

To not end the show in a sad tune, DAY6 got the crowd hyped again with ‘Dance Dance’ and left the fans with their hopeful words from ‘Freely’: “there’s no need to rush, be free, don’t worry about tomorrow, feel the freedom, freely forget everything tonight!”
DAY6 Gravity in Manila was presented by JYP Entertainment and Pulp Live World.
Written by: Miray
Photos from: Pulp Live World