There are only a handful of men in this world who can make you feel warm and fuzzy with just his presence, and one of them is surely Kang Daniel! After more than a year of waiting, the dreams of PH DANITYs (official fanclub name) finally came true. He has graced the Philippine stage with his undeniable charm and charisma.
Daniel’s ‘Color on Me‘ Fanmeeting surely lived up to its name as he showed one of the most colorful and vibrant opening VCR. The crowd erupted with screams and chants as he appeared and greeted his fans with ‘Through the Night‘. It was short yet sweet, but Daniel immediately followed it up with the R&B song ‘Color‘. Not only did he show everyone his stable vocals, but he proved to be a powerful dancer once again with his sleek dance moves.

With host Sam Oh, the talk began with Daniel saying how happy he was to be finally back in Manila. His previous tour stop was in Kuala Lumpur and the former Wanna One center shared the great excitement that he received in Malaysia. But don’t worry PH DANITYs, he also praised his Filipino fans by saying that he already knew that Manila has outstanding energy and did not expect any less.
We hope we reached your expectations, Daniel!
If you’re an avid fan of this precious boy, you’d know all about Colorful Daniel. He filmed an episode each for his previous stops, so did he film one in Manila? The answer is, yes. He shared that the Manila episode was filmed a day prior to the fanmeeting. When he was asked if he knew any Tagalog phrases, he cutely answered “Kamusta ka? (How are you?)“

Then it was game time! After greeting his fans, he then participated in games prepared. The first segment was Too Much Information (TMI) wherein we got to find out a few more things about Daniel.
When asked about his alarm tone, he sheepishly smiled. It seems like the fans already knew that Daniel doesn’t wake up early as they all screamed “No!” when the host asked if it’s easy to wake him up. He added that he usually wakes up at his fifth or sixth alarm. A lucky fan also won a signed album during this part.

The next one is called Relay Mini Olympic wherein he needed to accomplish a few missions to pass. Some of the things he needed to do were to shoot a basketball, thread a needle, and do squats. He failed to do it all under one minute in the first try, but the fans were in for a treat as he passionately did the Rolex Dance as a penalty. After another go, he finally succeeded.
A few gifts were also given to fans through a dart game. For the first one, he did a boyfriend pose for everyone, followed by a few push-ups which made the entire arena erupt with screams, and finally, he did a slow and sexy dance.
Daniel then continued to heat up the arena with a performance of Horizon before showing a behind-the-scenes video of his ‘What are you up to?‘ MV. He then went back to the stage with his stylish blue suit to perform the hit song.

When Daniel thought that he’s the only one with surprises for his fans, PH DANITYs proved him wrong as a fan-made video was shown. It featured his journey from Produce 101 to becoming the solo artist that he is now. The fanproject was a success as Daniel looked surprised and touched with the video. He was nearly teary-eyed as he can’t stop saying “wow…” after the heartwarming gesture by his fans.
“I’m not really sure how to tell you guys all the emotions I’m feeling right now. It’s so touching! Thank you, guys. You guys made me feel this way. I had so much fun with you guys. It was so touching really. I don’t know how to express it but thank you so much. I wanna tell you but it’s so filled up inside my heart. PH DANITYs, thank you so much,” he said.
“To be honest I made u guys wait too long & you’ve always given me so much love, I feel like I haven’t given you guys enough. But I promise to work harder & try to come back more often to see u guys. I promise to come back as a better version of myself.“

He also mentioned about the earthquake that hit the southern part of the country and said that his heart reaches out to all the victims of the unfortunate event. He added that he hopes that his fanmeeting can become a sort of comfort for those who are affected by it.
Just when we thought that it’s over, Daniel appeared once again on-stage and performed his rendition of Justin Bieber’s song, ‘Sorry‘. He ended the fanmeeting with his heartfelt song, ‘I Hope‘, which made everyone sing along.
A farewell video was then showed on-screen featuring Daniel and his cat, Ori. With a sincere message, he thanked everyone for coming and hoped everyone enjoyed the fanmeeting. “You are my best friend,” he said before bidding goodbye to everyone.
We would like to thank UnUsUal Entertainment and All Access Production for the media invite.
Written by: Jackie
Photos by: Claud