Good news for Singapore fans! Golden Village brings back its live and exclusive screening for musical EQUAL this August. Starring Wonho, VICTON Kang Seung Sik, VICTON Lim Se Jun, DKZ Lee Kyoung Yoon and DKZ Kim Jong Hyeong, the musical will be telecasted simultaneously from Tokyo, Japan.
Synopsis: In 17th century Europe, a rural village is ailing with Black Death and witch hunts. Theo and Nicola have been best friends ever since they were children and they live together in a small cabin. Diagnosed with an unknown and incurable disease, Nicola is locked inside the house, while Theo is a doctor who works at the village hospital, struggling to cure his sick friend. One day, Theo finds an alchemy book at the town’s antique store and becomes hopeful he can cure Nicola’s disease with the mysterious ancient teachings. But as Nicola’s death approaches, the two friends start to behave in bizarre ways and are soon engulfed in a strange madness.

Showtimes (GV FUNAN HALL 4)
13 Aug 2022 (12:00PM)
VICTON Kang Seung Sik & VICTON Lim Se Jun
13 Aug 2022 (4:00PM)
DKZ Lee Kyoung Yoon & DKZ Kim Jong Hyeong
14 Aug 2022 (12:00PM)
Wonho & VICTON Lim Se Jun
Ticket Sales
Members: S$64
Public: S$66
● The rating given by IMDA will be final
● Golden Village Multiplex reserves the right to refuse admissions as it deems fit without prior notice
● As this is a LIVE telecast from Japan via satellite, Golden Village Multiplex and Megatron Entertainment will be unable to guarantee uninterrupted or error-free viewing of the broadcast (extreme weather conditions that may affect the transmission of the broadcast)
● In the event whereby interruption is experienced, Golden Village and Megaton Entertainment will not make any form of refunds (monetary or complimentary)
Terms & Conditions Apply.
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