Main Vocalist from VIXX, Leo (Jung Taekwoon), was in KL on Friday to speak to the Press during the Korea Tourism Organisation (KTO) of Malaysia’s Press Conference, which showcased the variety of Hallyu performing arts shows that are playing all year round in Seoul, ahead of the K Performance Show 2019 at the KLCC Plenary Hall on the coming weekend.

The Press were hosted to a showcase event, comprising of world-class acts – with particular emphasis on the upcoming EDM event, Electric Daisy Carnival, and the Welcome Daehak-ro Festival, happening in a few weeks’ time.

For those who don’t know, Daehak-ro is the university and theatre district in Seoul and the Festival will happen from September 2nd till October 27th this year – although many of the shows are playing the whole year round.

Artists such as non-verbal performance acts JUMP, The Painters and SACHOOM, contributed to the bulk of the weekend’s entertainment, serving to capture the audience’s imagination and delight with the verve, dynamism and excitement of each presentation.

Aside from this, rising musical theatre sensation, Kpop idol and solo artist, Leo from VIXX and musical vocalists-made-idol group, The T-Bird, were the newer elements to the promotion which the organiser wished to emphasise.

Starlight In His Eyes
Leo was invited to represent the music – and specifically, staged musicals – as the element of Hallyu performance arts shows and gave a solo interview for the media during the Press Conference last Friday. When introduced, his first words were an expression of his regret to his fans (Starlights) that it has been two years (to date) since his last visit in Malaysia.
The Seoul Story asked: “There was a time when you seemed very shy with fans, but things have changed now for Jung Taekwoon – is the process of overcoming your shyness something you can share with fans that they might benefit from?”
He acknowledged that before this he was shy to interact with fans, but it is also thanks to them that he has gained more confidence now. It was because he wished to be a good singer who could interact well with fans, that he eventually overcame it.
There was a funny moment when he described a delicacy that he tried when he arrived, as “fried rice cooked with coconut milk!” We soon figured that he meant the ubiquitous Nasi Lemak! He claimed that it was so tasty, he had two, and that he would try to have more before he leaves!
Finally, when he was asked to share his thoughts on returning to KL as a soloist and without the VIXX members, he immediately answered, “As a soloist, I miss being with the members.” He went on to reiterate that when he arrived and saw the warm welcome from Starlights at the airport, he regretted that it has been so long since they were last here to perform – and promised that as a solo VIXX member, he would do his best to perform well.
A Promise Made
He fulfilled that promise on Saturday, where he performed three songs from two musicals, “Ordinary Lives” from Matahari, “Measure of a Man” from The Last Kiss, and “From Way Up There” from Matahari). As his final song, he sang his own self-penned song from his latest EP, “MUSE”, a song titled, “Nostalgia”.
During both shows, the slight and soft-spoken Leo enthralled the audience with his vocal prowess, filling the huge hall with his powerful, light and full voice, proving that he is the perfect choice to be an ambassador – showcasing Korean musicals to the Malaysian audience. In the evening, the vocalist shared about his forthcoming musical, Marie Antoinette, and delivered a consummate performance with ease, cementing his stature as a sought-after idol performer on the musicals scene in Seoul.
You can watch part of his performance and his interview at The Seoul Story’s Youtube Channel here. Footage is from the Korea Tourism Organisation.
We would like to thank the organiser, KTO Malaysia, for inviting us to the Press Conference.
Stay tuned here for more updates!
Written By: Christina O
Photos By: Style Link and Azraii Zulkiple