G-Dragon (GD), an iconic K-pop soloist and leader of the most influential Korean group, BIG BANG, was in town for his world tour <Act III : M.O.T.T.E> in Kuala Lumpur. The event took place at Stadium Merdeka on 17 September 2017. This world tour is said to be among his last goodbye activity before leaving for his compulsory military enlistment. That said, GD surely did his best to party it up with his fans throughout the night. It was indeed a special night as Kuala Lumpur was the only outdoor stop for the tour after Seoul World Cup Stadium in Seoul, Korea!
Moment Of Truth The End
True to the slogan of the tour, GD aimed to show VIPs his true self for the concert. GD said he was thankful to his younger self for who he is now thus trying to bring back memories with all his hit songs. The show was divided into three acts; Act I : G-Dragon, Act II : G-Dragon vs. Kwon Ji Yong, and Act III : Kwon Ji Yong.
All-time Favorite
The 29-years-old superstar gave his best performing all his hits for the night. With ‘Heartbreaker’, ‘Breathe’ and ‘A Boy’, fans reminisced his early days when he ventured into his solo acts. The show also included “Coup D’etat”, ‘One Of A Kind’, ‘Crayon’ and ‘That XX’ with amazing showmanship throughout the night. The show continued with red stage lights accompanying songs from his latest album with fans enjoying ‘Bullshit’, ‘Divina Commedia’ and ‘Superstar’ which had fans jamming along non-stop as the songs were being performed on stage.
Surprise From Sandara Park
The night grew hotter as Kuala Lumpur witnessed Sandara Park as the special guest for the concert! With their amazing chemistry, they managed to wow everyone with ‘Missing You’ and ‘Hello’. Dara also taught GD a few local phrases such as ‘Terima Kasih” (Thank You) and “Aku Cinta Kamu” (I Love You). Dara returned again on stage for ‘Crooked’ which had everyone going crazy as they thoroughly enjoyed themselves to the fullest!
Despite the rainy weather, the concert ended successfully with the help of VIPs. The never-ending fan-chants amplified the stadium which GD acknowledged with a thumbs up for his fans. The blazing concert ended with ‘Untitled, 2014′ as GD spent the final moments for the concert getting as close to the crowd as he could before waving a reluctant goodbye. Thank you for the amazing show and we hope to see you again in the future! Special shout-out to IME Productions for the generous media invite!
Photo Credit : IME Productions
Written by : M.A
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