The Alchemy of Souls’ lead actor, Lee Jae Wook, greeted his Indonesian fans at the <FIRST> Fan Meeting in Jakarta press conference on February 25, 2023.
The conference began with a short introduction and a quick photo session, followed by asking the audience how they were doing in Indonesian, “Apa kabar? Sehat-sehat?”, which he had practised beforehand.
Let’s go back and reminisce on the stories he shared with us that day!
Q: Since this is your first visit to Jakarta, Indonesia, how do you feel about it?
A: Jakarta, Indonesia, is a bit far, but thank you so much for welcoming me. I wish to make great memories here.
Q: Are there any places here that you want to visit?
A: I’ve heard about Bali’s beauty, but I’ve never visited. So, I really want to visit Bali.
Q: What about foods that you want to try?
A: One food that I really want to try is nasi goreng (Indonesian fried rice), but I still haven’t had the chance to.
Q: What do you expect from Indonesian fans?
A: Actually, yesterday some of the fans welcomed me at the airport, and they were all full of spirit and enthusiasm. Perhaps the fan meeting tomorrow will have the same energy.
Q: This is your first fan meeting tour in Asia; how did you prepare and how do you feel about it?
A: For me, a fan meeting is all about the actor meeting the fans, and so, I have prepared some songs that I would sing for them. Also, at first I was nervous about overseas fan meetings, but eventually I got used to it.

Q: How do you spend your spare time?
A: In my spare time, I actually just watch my own drama while resting.
Q: What is an ideal day for Lee Jae Wook?
A: An ideal day for me is having three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner, followed by taking a full rest.
Q: You look so fresh and healthy, how do you maintain that?
A: I have this thought that I need to look ready and present my best self to the fans and other people, so I exercise to maintain that.
Q: If you had a chance to have a date with an Indonesian fan, where would you like to go?
A: I once watched this Korean reality show where they went to Borobudur Temple. I would like to go to that kind of historical place because it’s pretty. I would also take some good pictures to preserve the unforgettable memories.

Q: Do you have any memorable moments during the shooting?
A: During the Alchemy of Souls shooting, there was a place called Mungyeong, and it took a lot of effort to get there. One time, some overseas fans went there specifically to visit me and watch the shooting process. I was so touched because of that.
Q: Out of the various roles/characters you have played, which one is your favourite?
A: I love each one of them. But these days, it is Jang Uk because Alchemy of Souls had a long duration of shooting, and the character eventually grew on me.
Q: You have a lot of actors you work with, is there anyone who has a similar character or personality to you?
A: It is Shin Seung Ho. He played the role of the bad guy, but actually he is very kind and attentive.
Q: Is there any genre of movie or drama that you want to try?
A: I desire doing something that leaves a strong impression, so I want to try the noir genre.
Q: What do you think about the popularity of K-Dramas in Indonesia and around the world?
A: I feel tremendously thankful for this because it indirectly puts me in a fortunate position. I believe the fans’ love for K-Dramas and K-Pop is genuine and unconditional, hence why I am so thankful.

Q: Would you like to give us a spoiler about your future plans after Alchemy of Souls?
A: Currently, I only focus on the acting field. Also, there are some offers coming, which I’m grateful for.
Q: Do you want to come back to Indonesia?
A: Of course! And if there would be another chance to hold this kind of event again in the future, I would be delighted.
Q: Could you give some spoilers for the fan meeting?
A: I won’t give any details about the fan meeting. However, you will surely experience a good, sweet fragrance at the event.
Q: Do you have any special messages for Indonesian fans?
A: To love someone is not easy. It takes lots of effort, attention, and exceptional affection. In consequence, I am so thankful to Indonesian fans for giving me all of those.
The press conference ended with another photo session with Lee Jae Wook. We look forward to whatever projects the talented actor has in store next!
We would like to thank MecimaPro for the media invitation.
Written by: Miladiyah
Photos by: Jessica
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