Power rookie group ITZY came to Indonesia for the first time on Saturday, 2 November 2019. Having just debuted this year, Yeji, Lia, Ryujin, Chaeryeong and Yuna have reached various achievements. Before opening their ‘Premiere Showcase Tour ITZY? ITZY!‘, the five girls spoke exclusively to the media about ITZY, MIDZY (ITZY’s fandom name), Indonesia and the tour itself.
One question that’s certainly interesting was why ITZY chose Jakarta as the first city for the tour. ITZY heard from their seniors about Jakarta and the extraordinary enthusiasm the city provided. They became excited to visit Jakarta and meet MIDZY.

Yeji expressed her nervousness because this was the first time she visited Indonesia while doing a showcase tour as well. Even so, ITZY prepared a lot of special sessions and a performance that they had never performed anywhere else yet!
ITZY then talked about Indonesia and the natural beauty it contained. Lia conveyed her desire to visit Bali, because she heard that the scenery in Bali was very beautiful. She hopes to visit Bali someday with the members. They also talked about Indonesian food and were very impressed with the delicious taste of Nasi Goreng.

Regarding Indonesian MIDZY, Ryujin said she could not wait to feel their energy during the showcase, while Chaeryeong hoped to create memorable moments with MIDZY. When ITZY could meet eyes with MIDZY during the show, it was the most memorable moment for Chaeryeong.
The status of ‘Power Rookie‘ is not a burden to ITZY but a lash for them to continue work hard to prove they deserve the title. Yuna even said that all of their achievements could not be done without the help from MIDZY who always supported them. ITZY is very grateful to MIDZY.
The Seoul Story would like to thank MecimaPro for the opportunity to cover the press conference.
Written by: Asti Wisnu
Photos by: Juni
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