After snippets of Kim Go Eun and Lee Do Hyun‘s scenes were revealed to the world leading up to the film opening, the hype for EXHUMA started to build up like moths to a flame. Touted as an occult thriller, the film fuses supernatural and historical elements to form a spine-chilling masterpiece. Knowing that veteran actors Choi Min Sik and Yoo Hai Jin are also part of the cast had more people anticipating the movie. Director Jang Jae Hyun specifically obtained a funeral director’s license to ensure the legitimacy of EXHUMA. The movie showcases rituals and components of the occult to those who are not familiar with it, opening eyes to an entirely new world.
A Call from the Grave
When an opportunity arises for Hwa Rim (Kim Go Eun) and Bong Gil (Lee Do Hyun), the shaman and her apprentice seek help from geomancer Sang Duk (Choi Min Sik) and mortician Young Geun (Yoo Hai Jin). A well-to-do family is afflicted by a generational curse, and Hwa Rim finds out that the family is haunted by a phenomenon called the Grave’s Calling. Hwa Rim does not hesitate to get right to it when tasked to resolve the matter in return for a large sum of money. Together, the quartet make their way to the gravesite, where an angered spirit has been calling out for its descendants.

As the four of them make their way to see the grave for the first time, an eerie feeling envelops them. The atmosphere thickens as they reach the foot of the mountain where the grave supposedly lies on the mountaintop, with foxes slithering in and out of the trees. Geomancer Sang Duk immediately finds it weird that a well-to-do family has their ancestor lay in an inauspicious plot of land as his final resting place.
His suspicions are confirmed when they reach the mountaintop. The gravesite emits a dismal aura and the quality of the soil is bad. No one in their right mind will bury a beloved family member there. Something sinister is afoot, and it is something that may have every one of them having to put their lives on the line.
More than Meets the Eye
After much deliberation, they decide to go ahead and perform an exhumation for the sake of appeasing the angered ancestor. Hwa Rim leads the rite, as the men dig up the soil to get to the coffin. It is a tense and nerve-wracking procession, and anything may go wrong. However, they managed to get the coffin out safely in the end.
The clouds darken as everyone makes their way out of the gravesite, signifying a bad omen. Why does it feel like something is amiss?

As it happens, a wave of tumultuous events occurs, one after another. The situation is such that it even affects the family of the deceased overseas. Hwa Rim, Sang Duk, Bong Gil, and Young Geun are up in arms over what they should do next. Ghostly apparitions of the dreaded ancestor keep haunting his family members. Another ritual is held but Hwa Rim and Bong Gil are unable to chain the spirit of the ancestor.
At the very last minute, the body is finally exhumed. However, everyone has yet to realise that it is only the start of an entirely new wave of horror…
Do not expect the usual horror movie consisting of jump scares and the usual nightmare-inducing ghosts! Intricately binding together elements of history and the occult, EXHUMA is a brilliantly executed movie that has viewers wanting to know what will happen next. Moviegoers will be kept on their toes, wondering what will happen next. It is also a movie that appeals to fans of the mystery genre.

The actors brought out the best in the characters they played. Kim Go Eun stuns the audience with her clear and husky voice during one of the rituals. Not only is it mesmerising, but it also raises hairs at the backs of necks. Choi Min Sik and Yoo Hai Jin do not disappoint with their acting as well, as they capture the viewers with their realistic portrayal of the respective characters played. Lee Do Hyun charms the socks off of everyone with his different yet charismatic appearance.
Just when the audience thinks that everything is over, that is when the real nightmare starts. It is rather apparent that a lot of research and tender loving care had been put into the film, and the audience will hopefully appreciate the effort as they watch the movie from start to finish.
There is no doubt that EXHUMA is a horror movie, but it is not merely due to the presence of the supernatural, but also because of the vileness of living humans. Why is that? Find out more by watching the movie!

Take a break from the usual and make some time to watch this occult thriller film! EXHUMA promises a deeper dive into the world of the occult and the history of South Korea at the same time. Do not miss out on this masterpiece!
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Running Time: 134 minutes
The Seoul Story’s Rating: 5/5
Written by: Aqilah
Photos by: Purple Plan
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