If you’re a fan of Freaky Friday, then this movie is one which you will enjoy thoroughly. Packed with an equal mix of humour and sadness, “Daddy You, Daughter Me” will take you on a roller-coaster ride of emotions.
Based on a Japanese novel, “Papa to Musume no Nanokakan” by Takahisa Igarashi, the South Korean movie adaptation tells us of a pair of father and daughter who are forced to live in each other’s bodies for a week. Do Yeon (Jung So Min) is a high school student who is unable to get along with her father, Sang Tae (Yoon Je Moon), a salary man who works in a high-end cosmetics company.
The movie starts off with a scene where Sang Tae is seen crying as he watches a video in which his daughter promises to marry him when she grows up. However, Sang Tae feels that his daughter is not studying hard enough in school, and as a result, never fails to constantly remind her to focus on her studies. Both parties are of the opinion that the other has it easy. The magic happens during one fateful night, while under a mystical ginkgo tree, Sang Tae wishes that his daughter is able to try living in his shoes for once. To that, said daughter replies that she wishes her father is able to live in her shoes as well.
Shortly after, both of them meet with an accident and wake up in their respective hospital beds to find that they have swapped bodies! Sang Tae has a presentation coming up, which may lead to a promotion at long last, while Do Yeon has an audition for a talent show during that same week. Both are flustered and stressed, as they spent the weekend looking for a solution. At long last, a phone call to Do Yeon’s grandfather reveals that they will have to live in each other’s bodies for seven days without arguing with each other, in order to return to their original bodies. This leads to all kinds of wacky situations as both father and daughter try to live each other’s lives to the best of their abilities.
There are a lot of scenes which will get cinema-goers laughing their heads off. One such example has to be the scene where Do Yeon, in her father’s body, dances to SISTAR’s ‘Alone’ during a department’s meeting with a client. Another funny scene occurs right after Sang Tae scores badly for his daughter’s mock exam papers.
The movie delves deeper into how both father and daughter’s ideals clash, and how that in turn affects their everyday lives. Sang Tae realises that studying isn’t all that easy after all, while on the other hand, Do Yeon learns that responsibility in the working world is a really heavy burden to bear.
The film is a family-oriented comedy which will not fail to bring a smile to one’s face. Regardless of how cringe-worthy the characters may seem due to the circumstances they are in, it becomes easily relatable at the same time. Viewers can expect to see the likes of Heo Gayoon, Min Dohee and G.O in the movie, as they are introduced as either friend or foe to our two main protagonists.
The one thing to note is that the humorous situations throughout the entire movie do not feel forced at all. Hilarity might be something which comes naturally to the scriptwriter, as each character’s dialogue seem really well thought out. It is brilliant how some of them are made to open the protagonists’ eyes to the environment around them.
“Daddy You, Daughter Me” is a moderately-paced show which will make you burst into laughter at regular intervals while preparing for an emotional switch at the next moment. Be prepared to be hit with an onslaught of emotions if you’re planning to watch the film!
Running Time: 116 minutes
The Seoul Story’s Ratings: 4.5/5
Save the date as the movie will officially be released on September 7th in Singapore! Be sure to secure your tickets then! We would like to thank Encore Films and Filmgarde Cineplex for the invitation.
Photo Credit: Encore Films
Written by: Aqilah
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