K-Pop boy group Pentagon successfully kicked off the first stop of Pentagon World Tour 2019 <Prism> concert at The Kasablanka Hall, Jakarta, Indonesia on 31 August.
The 8 boys of Pentagon (Jinho, Hui, Yuto, Shinwon, Hongseok, Kino, Yeoone and Wooseok) did not fail to impress Universe as they took them through incredible stage performances of Pentagon’s hit songs. Member Yanan was not present due to health reasons.
As soon as Pentagon appeared on stage, the fans started to scream at the top of their lungs to express how much they have waited for Pentagon. The boys handsomely wore their black suits as they sang their first song ‘Sha La La’ which was immediately followed by ‘Gorilla’.

Right after ‘Gorilla’, the boys started to greet the fans through opening talk. They did it in English along with a little bit of Bahasa Indonesia like “Apa Kabar”. Shinwon was the one who said “Terimakasih atas kedatangannya”. The fans cheered enthisiastically because of his expression while saying those words.
Pentagon did not miss the chance to make the venue even warmer by performing their emotional songs ‘Like This’ and ‘Just Do It Yo!’. Fans sang along to this performance.
Pentagon also excited fans with their special stages performances of Camila Cabello’s ‘Havana’ and Bruno Mars’s ‘Uptown Funk’. Jinho, Yeoone, Hongseok, and Kino looked so sexy as they sang and danced to ‘Havana’ by Camila Cabello. Right after that, it was time for Hui, Wooseok, Yuto, and Shinwon to captivate the fans by singing and dancing to ‘Uptown Funk’ by Bruno Mars.

After they performed the special stages, Pentagon came back dressed in white for the second talk. Here they talked about how they prepared for the special stages only for the Prism Tour. Kino said that he was so surprised when he heard the lovely Universes singing along to ‘Havana’. He even asked the crowd to sing it one more time with the members!
Pentagon also talked about their tour title ‘Prism’. Hongseok asked fans if they knew the meaning of ‘Prism’ and why Pentagon chose ‘Prism’ as the name of their concert tour. Kino explained they chose ‘Prism’ is because Pentagon wants to show their different colors of music for the Universe. The universe here means their fans and also the entire universe.
Fans also expressed their love for Pentagon by making a special fan-project. When the intro of Pentagon’s song ‘Beautiful’ began all the Universe in the concert hall held up a slogan that said: “Even if Time Passes, We Still be Universe”. This moment was truly a heartwarming sight. The members realized the project and started tearing up! Each member showed their gratitude by thanking the fans.

The boys were also undeniably entertaining with their fan-service. They took the audience on a roller coaster ride of emotions the whole night. From various VCRs to their talk segments, they never failed to make the audience cheer in delight and excitement. One of the most memorable moments was Hui’s aegyo version of the ‘Spread Your Wings’ phrase.
Pentagon was not only remarkable as a whole group, but each unit also showed the crowd their own charms. The ballad unit ( Jinho, Shinwon, Yeoone, and Hongseok ) impressed the audience by sung their ballad song ‘Till..’. At this moment, the audience were silet and focused on their beautiful voices.
As Pentagon sang their latest song ‘Humph’ and the song ‘Spring Snow’, the show was coming closer to the end. The members each shared their thoughts about coming to Indonesia. Shinwon said since Indonesia was the first stop of the ‘Prism’ Tour, he was so surprised because the fans are looked so excited during their performance. The youngest member Wooseok thanked Indonesian Universe for waiting a long time to see Pentagon. He also said that he was so happy to come to Jakarta and asked the audience to enjoy the show until the end.

The most memorable speeches was from the leader Hui. He said he was so happy to meet Indonesian Universe and wanted them to know that Pentagon will always love them and never forget Indonesia. He thanked everyone who came and ended by greeting the audience along with the members.
Pentagon soon came back dressed black casual T-shirt for their encore performance. They effortlessly turned the venue into an energetic party, making everyone hyped! The crowd all stood up from their seats and jammed hard. Even though almost two hours passed, the boys remained smiling and happy as they sang ‘Spectacular’. Before they took their leave they once again expressed their gratitude to everyone that has been supporting them. Pentagon promised they will come back to Indonesia very soon.
We would like to thank Mecima Production for the media invite to the concert and PENTAGON for the splendid performances!
Photo Credit: Mecima Production
Written by: Tyllas
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